Sunday, October 31, 2010

Retailers Give Back to Schools

In the article Retailers show school spirit the article discusses the new ways that retailers are donating and raising money for schools. They discuss a few different programs including the eScrip program, which is the focus of our group’s recommendation to Fred Meyer as a way to improve its corporate responsibility.

I find this article useful and relevant to our project because it discusses the eScrip program and similar programs that retailers are using to show corporate responsibility. It was interesting to see that a lot of the other programs gave individual awards or prizes to children like a new computer along with a donation to schools.

Something I found interesting from learning about the other programs is that many are seasonal and only focus on the back to school season and not the whole year. This made me wonder how much of Fred Meyer’s profit will go to these donations for local schools? Possibly a lot, but it is probably dependent on how well the eScrip program is marketed to the public. If the program is marketed to the public well and they establish a large sum of loyal customers that they may not have otherwise had the loss of profit in donations to schools maybe made back in the new dollars coming in from loyal shoppers.

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