Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ethical Considerations in the Construction Industry

I found this article on academic search premier and it immediately caught my eye. Being a construction engineering student this article offered me various construction standards and practices among the top five firms in the industry. These companies were selected by the Ethisphere Institute of NYC. The Ethisphere Institue is a world renown organization that focuses on research and media organization. They selected the following firms: CH2M Hill, Granite Construction, Fluor Corporation, CRH plc, and Parsons.

These companies were judged bases upon their corporate responsibility, innovative practices, executive leadership, and industry leadership. All of these companies promote environmental well being and strive to achieve ethical responsibility.

The Ethisphere Institute noted CH2M Hill for implementing employee based training on ethical policies, in addition to participating in open employee forums established for ethical discussion. They even offer employee training in their native languages.

One practice that every company agreed upon is a "zero tolerance policy" for unethical decisions and/or actions.




  1. Glad you posted this Joey. It is good to know I'm not the only construction engineer in the class. I was talking to a recent graduate of OSU the other day who, by chance, works for CH2M Hill. Seeing CH2M Hill published in articles about ethical practices is eye opening, considering I could be working there one day! Good to know they're leading in that category.

  2. It's cool that you found something so closely connected to your own field, and local too! I'd be interested to hear more about what you think about these standards - are they too harsh? Too lax? How will this affect the industry?
