Thursday, October 28, 2010

PGE's good intentions

PGE, as many of you know, is currently Oregon's largest provider of residential and commercial power. This article is proof that, while PGE is the biggest power company in the state, they still have the wherewithal to continue pursuing alternative energy options. In this article, the author discusses PGE's newly completed wind farm (2008), which is located in Sherman County. These windmills will produce 150 Megawatts, enough to provide around 34,000 homes with power. That is an amazing feat if you ask me. PGE's ability to look forward and not get complacent brings hope to my heart.
Wind farms are an excellent source of energy where there is plenty of wind a lot of the time. Unfortunately those places are limited in number, and are not always consistent. While wind power is an excellent start, PGE needs to continue searching for a more viable and permanent solution to the mounting energy crisis. Along with support from organizations like the Energy Trust of Oregon, I believe great strides can be taken in the pursuit of alternative energy resources. While a large amount of the responsibility resides with the corporations and organizations devoted to solving such issues, people like you and me cannot afford to ignore the future either. Help promote the development of sustainable energy by requesting that certain amounts of your power (monthly) are taken from a green energy source (you can request this from your energy provider PGE and/or Pacific Power). Little things like this can be done by everyone to help provide ourselves and the next generation with a better more sustainable world.



  1. I think that this article is interesting in that, although they need to business and money via electric bills, they are also integrating themselves with technology that is better for the environment. I think that there needs to be a lot more focus on the sustainability of our world in for the future, and PGE using this will help with looking to the next generation and how energy can be managed in a better way. Looking forward, I am sure the wind technology will begin to pick up and we will see more of these farms. I am glad PGE had the initiative to use this product.

  2. I think that PGE generating electricty from a wind farm is a good idea. It allows an alternative source of energy to be used. I believe that they should work to make more types of alternative energy and work to handle energy use through different types of energy acquisition.
