Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trader Joe's Sees the Light

In an article about Trader Joe's adopting and implementing sustainable seafood purchasing policies, Greenpeace discusses why they have stopped publicly campaigning against the grocery store known for its unique products and low prices. Not only will this commitment work towards saving our planets oceans, but it will also help put an end to the destructive fishing practices. As Greenpeace and other local activists convinced Trader Joe's to make this change, they have also agreed to work with third party science based organizations to address customer concerns about over-fishing and destructive catch or production methods. Greenpeace is happy to see the change and will be watching to make sure that the grocer fully implements these plans.

I think that Trader Joe's is one of the best grocery stores when it comes to customer service. To find out that they had been purchasing unsustainable seafood, I was shocked. The quick change that they made shows that they are willing to do whatever it takes to better serve their customers and practice healthy business. I think that as a grocery store, they really keep their customers in mind and look to enforce and practice that will enhance the company. Buying sustainable seafood is not only better for the environment, but overall, it establishes an eco-friendly nature for the company and draws in customers who are eager to be assetts to the environment and society. In general, I think that Trader Joe's is doing a good thing that sends a good message.

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