Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unilever ~ a company all about sustainability

This article talks about how Unilever has made great strides in encouraging sustainability of fish, water, and agriculture. Unilever originated in the UK back in 1885 with laundry soap and today includes many different brands; Dove, Persil, and Flora to name a few. Today, Unilever distributs to some 150 different countries and employs 227,000 people. Unilever created the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative in 1998 to encourage sustainability in the raw materials they use in their products.

I was interested in this article because I come from an agricultural area and I am very passionate about ag. issues. I feel that Unilever is doing good things with this initiative that they have created. I noticed that they had mentioned that 40% of ag. land experiences soil degradation; this can be fixed with crop rotation. They also mentioned over use of fresh water in agriculture, another subject that the agricultural field has been working on by way of different means of irigation. Oregon State's Dairy extracts the fluid from the animal feces and uses the solid material as fertilizer in its fields which grow the raw materials for the silage that they feed to the cows; they use the fluid to flush alley ways, decreasing their use of fresh water. I am set back a little by their lack of recognizing that there are farmers out there doing their part as well.


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