Monday, October 4, 2010

Box Tops for Education

In article published in the Kansas City Examiner, Marissa Carter discusses the partnership between Wal-Mart and General Mills and their efforts to raise money for schools through the Box Tops for Education program. As families worry about the budget cuts, they also think about the effects this will have on schools. Thanks to General Mills partnership with grocery stores like Wal-Mart, parents can buy food for their children's lunches while also benefiting the budget of their local school.

Throughout August 2010, Wal-Mart offered four times as many products featuring Box Tops for Education. This is an example of how General Mills is practicing corporate social responsibility. They are a large corporation that is giving back to their community by raising money for the one thing in the US right now that really needs the most attention: schools. The box tops are removed by the customer and given to their school of choice, which then cashes in the box tops for money to support school programs. The Box Tops program not only benefits the school, but also General Mills because parents are more inclined to buy their product knowing that some of the money will be going towards their child's education.

I chose to read this article because it is one of the first things that I think of when I hear the words corporate social responsibility and also because I love to cook. I thought that it would be fun to find something that is food related, but also relates to something that I care a lot about, which is education. Education seems to be in the news a lot lately and with the upcoming documentary coming out called "Superman," I felt that this article was appropriate and relevant to current events.


  1. This is a great article.
    I did a lot of babysitting over the summer and when I went into the pantry, there were a lot of cut off sections on boxes and stuff that the mom was saving up for the school.
    I remember my school had a competition for classes to see who brought in the most box tops also.
    What you said about giving more attention to schools, I agree. So much money is being wasted on nonsense things that schools are getting the short end of the stick. Up and down the grades, students are paying the price for increase tuition because the government is doing absolutely nothing.

  2. I think Box Tops for education is an awesome program. I myself am an education major and I love seeing how even huge companies try to help. It's important for everyone to understand that the children are the future and we need to educate them in an effective way to ensure a bright future. Besides, as a little kid, who didn't have fun cutting out the box tops and feeling proud that you brought more than the rest of the class? =)
