Thursday, October 21, 2010

A $300 million bet on solar

Abound Solar is a newly startup of which is barely three years old is now a recent winner of a $400 million stimulus loan guarantee from the federal government to make thin-firm solar panels in the United State. This is to help Kokomo, Indiana from striving to recover with a big infusion that is according to Obama administration’s stimulus programs that will bring Kokomo which was once hold a factory that never produced a single thing which had no way to repay or create jobs for Kokomo.

This was a big stimulus loan to be given out during this time where many people are still in a recession that has yet to known if were fully recover to give out such a loan that is costing now just this generation of people but is going to be carry to us and future children. According to Abound Solar that they will be hiring people which is that follow though that will help a significant amount of people in the city of Kokomo by a lot.

The corporate social responsibility is how they are going to hire people and as they told the public that they are hiring people that should be in that field of expertise but as well as jobs for the nearby city if not jobs for Americans.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is what needs to happen for the US to get out of the recession. Creating jobs is our number 1 priority, and what better way then to invest in a company who makes environmentally friendly solar panels. Living somewhere like the Southwest and having solar panels is now a norm. I know a lot of people who have 6-10 solar panels on their roofs and not only does it power their house, it stores energy, and any extra energy goes back to a power plant that uses it to power their city. And the best part about this is the power companies pay the residents for this left over energy. So I completely approve of what Obama is doing.
