Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Levi's Going "Green"

In the article “Levi Strauss & Co. Creates a $100,000 Denim Insulation Fund to Help Community Organizations "Green" their Buildings” denim is now being recycled. But the catch is that it is being recycled into insulation for walls. The company just launched a $100,000 denim insulation fund, going towards the innovation of a more cost efficient way to make the used jean material into insulation.

Levi Strauss & Co. is working with nonprofit organizations to help the environment and leave less of a carbon footprint. They have donated 200,000 pairs of recycled jeans to the renovated California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco to insulate their walls, helping the school to achieve LEED’s highest environmental rating.

Not only is Levi working to reduce environmental impact of their own but they are working to make consumers aware of how much they are doing against the environment with the product and steps they can take to reduce the impact.

I chose to write about this article because I found it interesting how the company is thinking outside of just selling their product and they are working to recycle what they can and make their surrounding area “green” with recycled jeans. I think that recycling is one of the easiest things we can do and knowing that such a large company is working to help the environment might get other companies to see how easy it is to make a change.


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy this article. My family built our house for the most part so I was able to help in many different stages. One part we had specialist come in and do was the insulation; they blew in ground-up, recycled newspaper (along with other components) which has a higher insulation rating than the regular fiberglass insulation. We also heat our house with a wood (renewable) burning furnace that heats water which is plumbed through the floor joists. It is fun to hear what else they are coming out with as alternative sources of insulation.
