Monday, October 11, 2010

Gates Launches New Opportunities to Keep Students Engaged

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be donating $20 million on Monday to support college graduation rates for the future. This money will be funding new projects that will use the Internet and other technology to boost student participation in class and through online courses. Gates believes that "through the Web, social networks, games and gadgets, technology can provide new opportunities to keep students engaged in their studies and provide more flexibility to attend classes online." Having a college degree is becoming a more normal requirement for obtaining most jobs. Gates is worried that in order to keep college students educated beyond high school, that the use of interactive online technologies can boost our nations graduation rates. As of right now, only half of Americans at the age of 30 have a college degree. This donation should help increase that number by allowing colleges to submit their applications towards getting these grants to increase their online educational programs and technologically interactive courses.

This has to do with corporate responsibility because Bill Gates is a highly respected business man who started his company, Microsoft, while he was in college and is now one of the riches men on the planet. He is completing his cycle of being successful in the business world by creating and harboring the path for more young adults to follow in his footsteps. I think Bill Gates is doing his part for society by spending his own money to increase the opportunities of others. This will not only help the economy, but will also set standards for colleges to have more desirable learning techniques for students, which will inevitably increase graduation rates. I would love to have more interaction through online courses. If there was more attractive uses of technology in the classroom I'd be more prone to pay attention. Technology is affecting this generation in different ways, and I think what Bill Gates is trying to do is create a more positive outcome for those who procrastinate because of lack of interest in their studies.


  1. That is really awesome and I hope I can get a job when I get my degree. I would love to work with microsoft, they have the latest software and has a high demand for computer science majors. I can see why he is giving opportunity for students out there.

  2. I think this is a really great idea. I am from Bellevue, WA, which is where the Gates family currently lives. They have already funded all of the Bellevue School District schools using their foundation. Through the foundation, my high school was able to install SmartBoards in every classroom, and also had enough laptops for every student. Everything definitely was put in use and was a great asset to both the students and teachers. Once colleges are able to have the opportunity to use the resources funded by the Gates Foundation, I think it will open up more learning techniques for students. Overall I think Bill and Melinda Gates are putting their money to good use.

  3. I would have commented on another entry, but Bill Gates always seems to amaze me. I enjoy reading articles about Gates giving back because it shows that he actually cares and wants to make a difference. Microsoft is consistently coming up with innovative ideas to boost education and engaging students to succeed. I think he is setting an example for others while using his money wisely to fund others. He wants others to have opportunities to succeed and what better way to do this than to boost technology in education.
