Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Starbucks offers coffee grounds for composting

I found this article from Lexis Nexis and it is about what my group wants to do for Dutch Brothers. We want to give away the left over coffee beans to local farmers, gardeners, or for whoever wants it.

Dutch Brothers just like Starbucks, from this article, goes through countless amounts of coffee beans to brew coffee every day. Where do these used up beans end up going? To landfills, when someone could just as easily take them and use them for something good. My group also has the idea to recycle and put the cups, lids, and straws to a better use as well. Pushing further this idea of keeping any kind of trash away from the landfills. This article also says, “compost reduces the need for expensive chemical fertilizers.” So you would be getting something free to use in your garden that in turn saves you the cost of using fertilizers, which are bad for the environment anyways, so it’s a win, win situation for both Dutch Brothers, you, and your garden. The article even shows you how to make a compost mix so you could get started. Happy gardening!

My ending questions are: How bad are landfills for our environment? And if everyone took on using left over products for compost in their gardens could we possibly eliminate the big use of landfills? This would require more research but it would be interesting to find out how much of a difference people could make.


1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a valuable case study for your project! Could you post a more complete link to your specific article? This one would just lead to the larger Lexis Nexis search.
