Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DaKine's community service background

This article is talking about the community service and contributions that DaKine Hawaii inc. has made. This shows that they are interested in helping the community and that they would possibly be open to donating their products to a school district.

I think that it's great that they are involved in the community and especially in a town as small as Hood River. I never knew that they were based locally. Since our project is proposing that DaKine should donate their backpacks that are not up to standards, I think that this article helps by showing that they are willing to help.


  1. I find this company to be really interesting and think that they could really help out the community by donating backpacks that are not up to par with quality standards. I like that the company is local to Oregon and I look forward to learning more about this proposal and if there are other programs like this already exist, and if so, where?

  2. It is good to know that Dakine has some corporate responsibility. As we started our research it was looking very slim in terms of information on Dakine. Now that we have seen the potencial and some background information regarding their efforts...our proposal seems like it could actually be accomplished. My question would be if they even want to bother with our idea if they have something already going for them?

  3. I love DaKine. I am actually from Hawaii and DaKine is huge. They sell awesome surf equipment and the actual phrase "dakine" is used all the time. I think it's great that they are giving back to the community, especially because they're so huge. I didn't know that they moved to Hood River either, but I guess it's good that they did because the mainland will definitely offer more business than Hawaii can. I guess what I'm wondering is if they do give cosmetically dysfunctional backpacks away, how will that help DaKine as a business?
