Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ways to prevent “Teen Bullying”!

Almost 30 percent of teens in the United States (or over 5.7 million) are estimated to be involved in school bullying as either a bully, a target of teen bullying, or both” (School Bullying and Teen Bullying Statistics). This is an alarming rate and it needs to be stop.

Recently, there are many reports of teen bullying suicides. One of the top story right now is about Tyler Clementi. He was a freshman at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, and he was bullied by his roommate because of his sexuality. He tried to get help from people around him but no one did. From those tragic events, Tyler couldn’t take it anymore and sadly he ended his life. This is one of many events that are happening for teens. This is only one example of many different areas that teens get bullied of, for example their personality, appearance, sexuality and more.

Therefore, we need to stop these tragic events, but first, we need to learn how to deal and resolve these problems. “7 Ways to Support Teen Bullying Victims” by Dr. Kathryn Stimulus is a great start to educate people who don’t know how deal with teen bullying and help teens from getting bullied. Dr. Kathryn explains clearly in each step and gives examples to help the parents or legal guardians understand what is it they need to do. Further more, there are many organizations that are working tirelessly to help teen bullying, for example Together!, we can fight this epidemic and bullying would exist no more!

Work Cited

Stamoulis, Kathryn. "7 Ways to Support Teen Bullying Victims."

Psychology Today. 11 October 2010. Web. 10 October 2010.

< teen- bullying-victims>.

“School Bullying and Teen Bullying Statistics”

Family First 2000-2004. Web. 10 October 2010.


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