Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Patagonia's Consistent Environmentalism

So I was drawn to Patagonia clothing company because I have purchased numerous jackets and sweatshirts from them in the past and really love the quality. Known as the yuppie/expensive clothing among hikers and climbers, Patagonia is considered one of the leading outdoor sports clothing companies in the business. But little do people know, this Ventura, California based company does more than the average business.
Patagonia uses a portion of its sales to support groups working to make a difference. In recent efforts, responding to the oil spill in the Gulf, Patagonia has given $100,000 to environmental organizations working to help and aid costal communities. On top of that they stated that if a Patagonia employee donates $100 to the Gulf relief organizations, they will donate double. In July they started sending 10 employees per week to help Louisiana Bucket Brigade who is creating a "Oil Spill Crisis Map". The employees are assisting in collecting stories, information, and photos from shoreline wildlife damages. These documents are being gathered to show government agencies where help is needed the most.

I related this to corporate responsibility obviously because its a company giving back. Patagonia not only made an effort to donate, but they went over the top to actually make a real impact. They continuously do this too, it isn't a one time thing to gain publicity, like other companies. Patagonia's material is picked to be environmentally friendly, using recycled cotton and polyester, hemp and e-fibers to make their clothing. There are things businesses can do to lighten impact on the environment and Patagonia has exceeded the expectations. I feel that they are dedicated to providing quality clothing while sustaining a respectful donating organization. For me, Patagonia's giving back shows the possibilities for the future and sets an example for other companies out there.
A whole section of Patagonia's website is dedicated to environmentalism, but further reading on the Gulf Relief is... http://www.patagonia.com/us/contribution/patagonia.go?assetid=54730


  1. Other companies should take note of the effort to conserve the environment that Patagonia has made. If these outdoor companies don't do their part to help presever the great outdoors, then they are essentially putting themselves out of business.

  2. I agree that this is a great thing that Patagonia is doing and it really sets them apart from other outdoor sportswear companies. Maybe the sometimes higher prices are worth it if they are doing so much good for the Gulf Coast and beyond. Being so proactive about corporate responsibility while also not bragging about it all the time is essential to a successful business.

  3. I found it interesting that Patagonia actually sent employees to help in the clean up effort. I believe physically helping with the oil spill shows more corporate responsibility than just throwing money towards a problem or organization. I would like to know if the employees sent were from all levels of the company from CEOs to janitors or just lower to mid level employees.
