Friday, October 8, 2010

Nike's influence on Green House gases

In this post Nike and Converse, an affiliate company, will be switching most of it's distributions trucks from diesel to liquified natural gas (LNG). This "green fleet" is based out of the Port of Los Angeles where most of the products and inventory are shipped from the Asian countries that produce it.

This is a good move for Nike & Co. because the distribution center for Nike is based in Tennessee. So with these trucks going cross country delivering the product, the amount of green house gases will add up. I feel Nike is being proactive in helping save the environment with this move here at home. Last week I talked about Nike producing fabric from recycled bottles in Asia, now they are helping the world reduce green house emissions. With the increase of people driving and Nike has taken a step in the right direction. In the article it says, the new trucks will emit 18% less CO2 into the atmosphere. If all semi trucks can be switched over to LNG trucks, the pollution that is emitted in LA can help with air quality and make it more enjoyable. Now if a country like China put this into effect for the sake of their people (which i highly doubt will happen) then Beijing wouldn't have have to halt production factories in the city or limit driving, which was the case when the Olympics were held there.

Overall, companies should look into all their branches and think how they can help reduce green house emissions. Because those polar bears need a place to live, and if you don't want them in your back yard then lets keep them on the polar ice.


  1. I think that this a great decision for Nike! They already have a great reputation and it is good for them to continue to impress their followers with decisions like this. This will help our environment now and will also help in the future, as you stated about the polar bears needing a place to live.

  2. It’s a good thing that Nike is thinking about using a better source of fuel for when they ship out all their merchandise. You will probably see it in their countless modes of advertisement in the near future. However this is such a small step for them. They spend millions of dollars in advertisements, sponsoring famous athletes, and more when they should put their priorities in the right place. They should produce their merchandise in a reasonable way not in sweatshops around the world. They spend a little money in donations, helping the environment, or things that seem like they are giving back where as they are hiding in the background of their advertising and image paying a dollar a day to some poverty worker. Nike needs to come out and convince me that they are actually doing something good. They need to make the bigger step and make merchandise in a reasonable way. I can see right through your image Nike.
