Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Really Real-Estate

So I found this article relating to real-estate and real-estate agents. The article focuses on Florida real-estate, but I am certain there are similar situations wherever you go. When I graduate I plan on investing in multi-family housing complexes in hopes of repositioning them to rent. Since the market is at an all time low, buying apartment complexes is probably one of the only ways to succeed in real estate now days.
This article talks about being picky when choosing a real-estate agent. It discusses not selling yourself short and researching agents and the areas they cover. Real-estate agents are desperate during these times and some of them have no business experience at all. Assuming that it is your money being invested, why would you not properly research the market prior to dealing with a agency? Times are tough, but it doesn't mean that you have to settle for the first person that comes trying to assist you.
My overall opinion on this article is that it shows how the real-estate market is functioning in today's economy. It is important to know your facts prior to making a big purchase or sale. I was surprised to learn that internet can be a faulty tool when researching real-estate. I now understand that it doesn't matter if they have a license, they can still be completely incompetent when finishing the deal and in some cases not have a clue what they are doing. My question would be, What is the proper technique on choosing an agent? Who can you trust? So research thoroughly and make a decision that is going to benefit you!
Article here...


  1. That is interesting article that you read, and I think the internet is a double edge sword. There is stuff out there that is good and other things that are not good. It is up to the person to the correct research out there.
    I think the best technique to choosing an agent is simply going out there and meeting them. It is like shopping. You have to shop for the best deal and best item to your liking. Take the thought and find yourself a good agent that you trust and has an open communication line. The best agents I have seen are ones who go out of their way to get you the best deal and the deals that you want and like.

  2. I think choosing an agent should be much like choosing a doctor. An agent should be somebody that you feel comfortable with and can trust. I usually see through people who give me the "used car salesman" bit, and can see who is genuine and actually listening to my requests.
    I think finding a good agent will take work, but in the end, totally worth the search.
