Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rangel Censure is Recommended

This article discusses the charges against Congressman Charles Rengel, a member of the 111th congress of the United States of America. Rengel is accused of misuse of congressional funds, failure to file proper taxes ect, ect. Essentially he is being charged with unethical conduct. His likely punishment is censure, which will prevent him from serving as the head of any committee. Personally, if a member of congress is found guilty of unethical conduct I believe that nothing less than expulsion or a suspension ( for the remainder of the term ) should be mandatory. Remove the guilty from office and let the people know of their crimes, if the people wish to reelect the former official after knowing all the facts then that is their right.
I have nothing against Rangel personally, and I am a democrat, but I believe the things he did were wrong, and any excuse he gives is worthless because 434 other people in congress got by just fine without doing the things he has done. If it hasn't been made apparent already, I am a political science major and hope to eventually make my way into the political field, but not necessarily in the form of an elected official. With the level of unethical behavior that seems to be apparent, and the polarization that has been displayed between the two parties these last few elections my hope and faith in Americas political system has been crushed. I do not think that it is beyond repair, but I do believe that the people need to push for moderation instead of blindly following leaders and believing everything they see on TV. Change is need in America, the common citizen needs to wake up and take an active role in politics in this nation, or it will soon be led by the best actors and speakers, instead of the best thinkers and legislators.

Q: What needs to happen to get the American people more involved in their own political system?

--Edit-- Forgot link!!!! here it is.

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