To James J. Breheny the Bronx Zoo is more than a work space. Starting out working with ducks and goats his dreams have furthered to being the director of the zoo. But being the director is not just about business to be done. Breheny shows the fun and games that come with the job.
I am not totally sure what I want to do in the future but I know I would like to be in a zoo. This article shows that even with one job in a zoo one may have many opportunites to be involved with other departments. Breheny has been given an chance to expand his knowledge in the zoo with the 600+ species he is around on a day to day basis. I would love to have the opportunity to experience working with more than one type of animal, even though I would like my main focus to be on primates. There is a section in this article where they do not want people to experience the animals by looking down to them but rather close up and eye to eye. I believe all zoos should go this direction, allowing visitors to come rather close to an animal that one would normally never run into in their lifetime.
Question: Being that James Breheny is in charge of such a large amount of species, how much interaction does the director of the zoo have with the keepers and other staff in the zoo? and how does he allow knowledge of others to grow within the zoo?
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