I have worked at a dental office for many years and they had a digital x-ray machine. They are very effective and gives more information then a regular x-ray would. Better treatment plans and diagnosis done to help patients.
What alarmed me was how the cost of a machine like this was nowadays. Considering how technology continues to change and move forward, the cost of these machines should be becoming lower. Also, I have known that the equipment in a dental office are unbelievably expensive, however, when you put everything together and add up everything the cost will be just as expensive as going to dental school. What I felt was missing was why aren't these machines being made readily available to more practices. If these machines help treating and catching problems quicker and better, manufacturers should be making these machines available to everyone.
What will it take to lower the prices of these machines? Especially in areas that have a community with a lower income, dentist there should be able to have access to these machines to help treat patients.
I enjoyed this article, because I hate x rays when I go to the dentist. I have seen the conversion at my dental office and a couple others and I feel like its crucial to have efficient machines. I agree with the question on how expensive this stuff is. Prices should be lowering, especially now. For me the idea of new equipment makes me feel satisfied and safe with my dentist. Taking into consideration that dentist make a killing, these machines costs shouldn't dent their income too much.