This article, truly reflected the extreme highs and lows that any retailer can experience during tough times in the economy. It is important that companies have knowledgeable buyers so they do not over buy with the money that they could potentially lose if they don't meet the sales goals. As a Merchandising Management major, these aspects of any business are crucial when it comes to sales, cost, and the sales history. This information can help us forecast trends for the future and tell us how much to buy for the retail store. It is especially important during recessions because it is unfortunate when major stores have to shut down because they do not look to the future and lose all of their money.
Desirae MacGillivray
My question is what do you think will happen if Coldwater Creeks net sales decrease from season to season, is it a difference in what people are willing to buy or trend changes among people?
ReplyDeletei think they should follow the trend that is in that area more than the world's trend itself. people are used to conforming and wear whatever everyone else is wearing so to get a different style into the store that is not appropriate in that area then it's not a good plan. I love clothes so i can wear what ever i want but most people are not!